Young Thug Uses His Spider-Man Power To Plug SL2 Deluxe

sohh April 25, 2021 Young Thug 174
Young Thug Uses His Spider-Man Power To Plug SL2 Deluxe

Atlanta rapper Young Thug's spidey sense is going off in a big way. The hip-hop star is plugging his newly released Slime Language 2 deluxe album with a Spider-

your turn kid Huge Slime Language 2 Projections Based on early estimates, Young Thugs jam-packed Slime Language 2 album should easily sell wellover 100,000 copies. Along with a huge tally, the LP is expected to easily secure the No. 1 spot on Billboards Top 200. UMGs historic run at #1 will end after 19 weeks as Young Thug & Gunnas Slime Language II compilation starts off strong. Lava/Republics Greta Van Fleet and EMI Nashvilles Eric Church should debut in the Top 10 on next weeks HITS Top 50. Young Stoner Life, Young Thug & Gunna (Young Stoner Life/Atlantic) 125-140k total activity, 3-5k albums Eric Church (EMI Nashville) 45-50k, 35-40k Greta Van Fleet (Lava/Republic) 35-40k, 30-35k ( Read more

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