RZA Reflects On Unearthed Ol Dirty Bastard Obey Me Cut

hiphopdx November 11, 2015 Ol' Dirty Bastard 134
RZA Reflects On Unearthed Ol Dirty Bastard Obey Me Cut

There was a method to the madness of what we did, RZA says of his work with Ol Dirty Bastard.

RZA Reflects On Unearthed Ol Dirty Bastard Obey Me Cut Published on: Nov 11, 2015, 2:45 PM by 1 RZA released today (November 11) Obey Me, a song he and producer Buddha Monkproduced for Ol Dirty Bastard in 1994. They were working on ODBs debut solo album, 1995s Return to the 36 Chambers: The Dirty Version, when they recorded Obey Me. He was fuckin buggin out on this song that night, RZAsays of Ol Dirty Bastard during an interview with Rolling Stone Dirty felt that anything he made was supposed to be released. I was more critical of what we released. And even though some people may listen to his first album and go, Shit, this is crazy, this song fits right in. To me, there was a method to the madness of what we did. And with the stuff that didnt make the album, there was a clear reason why in the narrative of what I was striving to create with his style. Ol Dirty Bastard died of a drug overdose in 2004. Prior to that, the Wu-Tang Clan, of which both RZA and Ol Dirty Bastard are members, had emerged as one of Raps most successful and influential collectives. Listening to Obey Me, which was originally titled Bitches Better Obey Me, took RZA back the groups early collaborations. This was just us creating with the freedom of making music and this song is definitely a glimpse into that mindset, says RZA, who also refers to ODB as Ason. Im hearing Ason just be Ason and thats something I miss from him. It reminds you of the unity and camaraderie of the Wu-Tang We cross-pollinated ourselves so much because there was a brotherhood, a community of unity of hip-hop. And this song gives me a glimpse on what made us unique and great. Listen to Obey Me on HipHopDX For additional Ol Dirty Bastard coverage, watch the following DX Daily: Subscribe to DX Newsletter Get The Most Important Stories Of The Day Straight To Your Inbox Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Youre Far Too Kind To complete the subscription process, please click the link in the email we just sent you. Joining Newsletter Read more

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