The RZA Explains the Real Reason Ol' Dirty Bastard Bum-Rushed the Grammy Awards, and Why Wu-Tang Really Is For the Children #OlDirtyBastard February 02, 2024 Ol' Dirty Bastard 25
The RZA Explains the Real Reason Ol' Dirty Bastard Bum-Rushed the Grammy Awards, and Why Wu-Tang Really Is For the Children #OlDirtyBastard

Well, you certainly have done many things—music, film, philanthropy. So shout out to mom and dad. That’s the power of a name. In more recent history, your n...

The Wu-Tang mastermind also discusses Rihanna and A$AP Rocky naming their new baby “RZA,” and his new composition for orchestra, 'A Ballet Through Mud.' Read more

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