YFN Lucci Surrenders in Racketeering Case

thesource May 18, 2021 YFN Lucci 128
YFN Lucci Surrenders in Racketeering Case

YFN Lucci is currently at Fulton County jail after surrendering to authorities for a racketeering case.

Lucci is being charged withaggravated assault, armed robbery, property damage, murder, theft, and more after a months-long investigation into 12 people and their connection to the Bloods gang. Advertisement The previous murder charge that YFN Lucci was facing is included in the indictment. Luccis layer Drew Findling denied that his client is in a gang and maintained his innocence. Hes not guilty of any crime thats referenced in the previous charge and now in this indictment,Findling said. Finding argues that the Everyday We Lit rapper was driving with friends when shots were fired at them. On top of the indictment, YFN Lucci violated the conditions of his $500,000 bond by going to astrip club and tampering with his ankle monitor. He also tested positive for marijuana and opiates. Read more

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