What a card! NYPL marks 50 years of hip-hop in ‘Wild Style’ #hiphop

nypost.com July 13, 2023 hip hop 37
What a card! NYPL marks 50 years of hip-hop in ‘Wild Style’ #hiphop

As director of the first hip-hop movie, “Wild Style,” Charlie Ahearn needed a fresh way to brand his indie film to appeal to a world that wasn’t yet hip to the cultural movement, born in the South Bronx 50 years ago. Aaron “Sharp” Goodstone, Charlie Ahearn, Fab 5 Freddy and photographer Martha Cooper — who shot the iconic hip-hop mural in Riverside Park — get their “Wild Style” library cards at the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture.

On Friday, the iconic “Wild Style” mural will be celebrated with a limited-edition New York Public Library card marking half a century of hip-hop. Read more

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