[VIDEO] Fat Joe Fires Back At Cuban Link And Snitching Accusations!

allhiphop August 29, 2021 Fat Joe 51
[VIDEO] Fat Joe Fires Back At Cuban Link And Snitching Accusations!

Fat Joe is not playing any games and he definitely does not take snitching allegations lightly! He responds to Cuban Link and Star.

August 29, 2021 Fat Joe is not playing any games and he definitely does not take snitching allegations lightly! He responds to Cuban Link and Star. They say business never personal, but this s### sure sounds personal! Fat Joe goes in on his haters and breaks down the allegations against him. Most notably, we know now that former Fat Joe affiliate and Terror Squadian Cuban Link amplified snitching allegations presented by Star. Wellllllllit did not take Joey Crack long to respond. I actually thought he would ignore it, but ALAS he has responded with a lengthy speech. He takes a whole hour to holla back. I did not watch it all, but I think I got the jist of it. He says they are basically haters that are looking at the ONLY way to tear him down his street rep. If you want the run down, click here. It does not seem to be working out for Cuban. He has said something back to Joe, but I am not sure if this is a direct response. But, if you look at the comments, people are telling him to let it go. Read more

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