Tyler, The Creator Hits The Studio With Freddie Gibbs

hiphopdx August 24, 2021 Tyler, The Creator 55
Tyler, The Creator Hits The Studio With Freddie Gibbs

During the cook-up, Gangsta Gibbs hopped on his Instagram Live and Tyler turned into a comedian joking with the Gary, Indiana, native.

Tyler, The Creator reconnected with Freddie Gibbson Monday night (August 23) for a studio session. During the cook-up, Gangsta Gibbs hopped on his Instagram Live and Tyler turned into a comedian joking with the Gary, Indiana, native. Gibbs brought up how he felt Hip Hop supported Tyler, The Creator when he revealed he was gay, but the Grammy Award-winner quickly stopped Freddie G in his tracks and told him he never officially came out. Woah, I never came out, Tyler replied to set the record straight I dont know what anyones talking about. I dont know why everyone thinks Im . Tyler, The Creator then flipped the conversation on a blunt-smoking Freddie Gibbs by putting the spotlight on him wondering if all this talk was going to be followed by him coming out. Is this what youre saying, Freddie? Tyler questioned. Is Freddie coming out? Freddies coming out! This live was hilarious We need of Freddie Gibbs & Tyler The Creator @FreddieGibbs Read more

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