Tyga Deals With LAPD Following Dispute With Ex-Girlfriend

hiphopdx October 11, 2021 Tyga 32
Tyga Deals With LAPD Following Dispute With Ex-Girlfriend

Tyga was involved in an altercation with his ex-girlfriend Camaryn Swanson at his California home early Monday morning (October 11).

May 20, 2021 After the altercation, Swanson was allegedly picked up by her mother and then called the Los Angeles Police Department to report the incident. TMZs sources claimed to see visible marks on Swanson and took a report for felony domestic violence. A post shared by T Y G A WRLDWIDE (@tygaworldwideraww) Law enforcement showed up at Tygas residence later on Monday but he refused to speak with officers. He wasnt arrested for the incident but does plan to cooperate and show up to an LAPD precinct to explain his side of what transpired on Tuesday (October 12). Read more

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