Travis Scott Thrown Out at First Base During His Softball Game #TravisScott

xxlmag February 17, 2023 Travis Scott 23
Travis Scott Thrown Out at First Base During His Softball Game #TravisScott

Travis Scott gets thrown out in a close call at first base during his Cactus Jack Foundation HBCU Celebrity Softball Classic at Minute Maid Park in Houston.

put on for the city of Houston with a celebrity softball game and video is going viral of the rapper getting thrown out at first base. On Thursday (Feb. 16), Travis Scott and his Cactus Jack Foundation, in partnership with Project HEAL hosted the2023 Cactus Jack Foundation HBCU Celebrity Softball Classicat Minute Maid Park in Houston, which featured a home run derby and softball game.The softball game featured Travis, Metro Boomin former NBA players Tracy McGrady and Steve Francis, and retired NFL playersAndre Johnson, Adrian Peterson, Vince Young and others. Video of Travis Scottat bat is going viral. In the clip (below), the Texas native steps up to the plate and smacks a short grounder. Travis jets to first base and gets there a split-second after the ball arrives and he is called out by the first-base umpire. The Astroworldrhymer appears to stomp in frustration over being called out and strolls back to the dugout. Proceeds from the events ticket sales will benefit the Waymon Webster Scholarship Fund, a program that gives financial support to seniors at Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Travis Scott first announced his Project HEAL initiative last March, a program that centers around helping out the youth. Last May, Travis to 100 HBCU seniors through Project HEAL to ensure they graduated. He also donated proceeds from a Nike dropto the campaign. See Video of Travis Scott Getting Thrown Out at First Base in His Celebrity Softball Game Below Here Are 20 Signs Youre a Travis Scott Fan La Flame's fan base is ready to rage at a moment's notice. Filed Under: Read more

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