Tony Hawks Blood-Infused Skateboard Sells Out, Lil Nas X Cries Foul

hiphopwired August 26, 2021 Nas 55
Tony Hawks Blood-Infused Skateboard Sells Out, Lil Nas X Cries Foul

Lil Nas X is crying foul because a skateboard company teamed up with legendary skateboarder Tony Hawk to sell a limited-edition skateboard painted with his blood. It sold out in minutes with little to no outrage at all.

Lil Nas X has an excellent case here when it comes to the outrage on the internet. In March, conservative snowflakes and so-called bible thumpers were up in arms when Lil Nas X announced he was teaming up with MSCHF for a pair of limited edition Nike Air Max 97 sneakers dubbed the Satan Shoes,that contained a drop of blood in the air unit. Nike would eventually take the openly gay artist and MSCHF to court, slapping them with a hypocritical lawsuit and the judge sided with the sports apparel company forcing them to buy back all pairs of the kicks. At the time, everyone spotted the jig because MSCHF sold a pair of the same sneakers but in white, calling them the Jesus Shoesbecause they shared a drop of holy water in the air unit. There was no outrage at the time. Now, Lil Nas X is crying foul because a skateboard company teamed up with legendary skateboarder Tony Hawk to sell a limited-edition skateboard painted with his blood, and it sold out in minutes with little to no outrage at all. Understandably upset, Lil Nas X pointed out the hypocrisy writing in a tweet, now that tony hawk has released skateboards with his blood painted on them, and there was no public outrage, are yall ready to admit yall were never actually upset over the blood in the shoes? and maybe u were mad for some other reason? Wheres the lie? We at Hip-Hop Wired been spotted the jigwhen it came to all the outrage that has come Lil Nas Xs way. Read more

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