The Source |Kamala Harris Makes Surprise Cameo On Brandy & Monica Verzuz

thesource September 01, 2020 Brandy & Monica 251
The Source |Kamala Harris Makes Surprise Cameo On Brandy & Monica Verzuz

Kamala Harris Makes Surprise Cameo On Brandy & Monica Verzuz Brandy & Monica were joined by millions to help celebrate their illustrious catalogs. Before

Share: Link copied Brandy & Monica were joined by millions to help celebrate their illustrious catalogs. Before the celebration began, they were joined by Democratic VP nominee, Kamala Harris. Senator Harris, who appeared on the screen behind them, wished the two R&B legends well on their historic night, in addition to emphasizing the vital nature of voting. I just wanted to thank you ladies, you queens, you stars, said Harris. Thank you for doing this for When We All Vote. Its so important for everyone. You both used your voice in such a powerful way, and an extension of our voices is our vote. Verzuz recently partnered with Michelle Obamas When We All Vote initiative. 100% of sales from Brandy & Monicas limited Verzuz merch are going to our forever First Ladys campaign. Advertisement We understand the importance of people getting out and voting right now, Monica stated. And they feel so helpless right now, but thats how you help yourself, help your community, help your brothers and sisters. While Brandy could not help but to fangirl at the moment, she echoed the same sentiment. Sen. Kamala Harris donned a Howard University crewneck, repping her HBCU alma mater. Even Kamala Harris showed up to the Brandy vs. Monica #Verzuzbattle #verzuztv Read more

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