The Source |Balenciaga DMX Yeezy A Tribute

thesource April 24, 2021 DMX 169
The Source |Balenciaga DMX Yeezy A Tribute

Balenciaga DMX Yeezy A Tribute Balenciaga DMX Yeezy A Tribute

Hip Hop Style News | Fashion Stories Previous reports suggested that rappers DMX and Kanye Yeezy West planned to collaborate after X appeared at Kanyes church services.Both rappers have forever marked their names in hip hop and publicly expressed themselves to the world. Following DMXs untimely passing, its no strange surprise that the MC turned fashion mogul would create a tribute to the late Yonkers rapper. Back Visit for more information Yeezy asked the luxury fashion house Balenciaga to design a T-shirt in tribute to the late artist Earl Simmons, aka DMX. A tribute to the artist and his fans with the proceeds benefiting the Simmons family. CLICK HEREfor more info. Read more

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