The Notorious BIG and the Wu-Tang Clan Honored With Streets Named After Them

thesource December 27, 2018 Notorious BIG 135
The Notorious BIG and the Wu-Tang Clan Honored With Streets Named After Them

The Magazine of Hip Hop Music,Culture and Politics

Dec 20, 2018 at 4:25pm PST According to Rolling Stone , The Brooklyn block where the Notorious B.I.G. grew up located on St. James Place between Fulton Street and Gates Avenue will be renamed Christopher Wallace Way after the rappers birth name, while Staten Islands Vanderbilt Avenue and Targee Street will tentatively be called Wu-Tang Clan District. In November, the Brooklyn Community Board 2 voted to approve the re-naming petition of Christopher Wallace Way, setting the stage for Fridays vote. Speaking to Gothamist , McCarthy observed, Im happy that NYC officials are finally giving the citys indigenous Hip Hop music the respect and recognition that it deserves. It took a long time and lots of hard work to advance the Christopher Wallace Way & Wu-Tang Clan District street co-naming, but ya know what, Hip Hop Dont Stop. The measure has one more step before it becomes official: The signature of Mayor de Blasio is required to turn the bill into law. Read more

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