The Man That Allegedly Gave DMX Weed Laced With Crack Is Talking!

allhiphop April 15, 2021 DMX 212
The Man That Allegedly Gave DMX Weed Laced With Crack Is Talking!

DMX is still in the headlines!

The Man That Allegedly Gave DMX Weed Laced With Crack Is Talking! The Man That Allegedly Gave DMX Weed Laced With Crack Is Talking! By : illseed/ Categories : Rumors/ April 14, 2021 DMX is still in the headlines! (AllHipHop Rumors) DMX was telling this story at the beginning of his career, middle of his career and was crying at all of this at the end of career and this guy has had nothing to say until DMX dies. So, I had to get the end out in the beginning. Basically, the guy that allegedly gave DMX weed laced with crack cocaine is now speaking out. Remember last year, when DMX did an interview with Talib Kweli and he was broken down and crying? I remember that so vividly it feels like it was yesterday. And I remember when DMX told his story also in the Ruff Ryders documentary from BET. And THEN we were mad at this guy the one that poisoned DMX with CRACK! Well now Ready Ron wants to tell his side. Hold on bro! You had years and years and years and years and years to tell your side of the story! DMX has been extremely consistent from day one, and you havent hired a publicist, reached out or even tried to get press from anybody that I know of! And the second DMX dies (or in a coma), suddenly you want press. Now, you dont get press, because we know that DMX was a truthful individual, who bore his soul to us and was more than authentic! And you, sir, are coming out of the woodwork to most of us and now I wanting to tell your side of the story after Dark Man X has died. It just doesnt work like that! More than that, BET brought the receipts! He claims in a video that media outlets are not giving him opportunity to speak, but BET pulled out receipts on social media showing that they reached out to him to tell his side of the story in the documentary series they had. I dont know why he didnt respond, but thats not my problem! They did indeed reach out! Furthermore, my guy, the allegedly man that gave X crack, has social media and can actually tell the story on his own platform for all to see, unedited and we would simply re-posted is anyway like Im about to repost this silly clip of him rebuking DMX in Death. DMX is not here to defend himself and you almost seem like a coward right now. As if DMX was going to beat that tail if he was here. Everybody, including myself, is emotional over DMXs death and we are not about to entertain this foolishness but if you want to talk, SPEAK. Now you can read the first paragraph again. P.S. Hate mail unearthed this dude. Wow. Tags : DMX Ready Ron Read more

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