The Kid LAROI Signs To Scooter Braun Management

hiphopdx June 03, 2021 The Kid LAROI 73
The Kid LAROI Signs To Scooter Braun Management

The Kid LAROI is joining Scotter Braun's star-studded roster on SB Projects. According to 'Variety' on Thursday (June 3), Scooter Braun has signed on to be LAROI's manager.

June 3, 2021 Scooter Brauns SB Projects roster already includes Quavo Justin Bieber, Demi Lovato and Ariana Grande to name a few. Biebers 2011 Never Say Never documentary actually inspired The Kid LAROI to pursue music. I remember when I was seven years old and my older cousin took me to go watch the Never Say Never documentary with her when it came out in the movie theater, he told Variety in April. I didnt really know a lot about Justin Bieber, I was like seven years old, but I remember after watching that movie I was like, Yo, this is the coolest kid in the fucking world. The Kid LAROIs 2020 F*CK LOVE project spawned his largest hit to date in WITHOUT YOU. He recently enlisted Miley Cyrus to hop on a remix to the standout cut in April. Read more

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