The Game Recalls 'Angry' Kanye West Phone Call Over Kim K Lyrics #KanyeWest

hiphopdx June 08, 2022 Kanye West 20
The Game Recalls 'Angry' Kanye West Phone Call Over Kim K Lyrics #KanyeWest

The Game received an 'angry' phone call from Kanye West after he rapped explicit lyrics about his then-wife Kim Kardashian on an unreleased song in 2019.

The Game and Kanye Westforged a fruitful partnership in the 00s with collaborations like Dreams, Crack Music and Wouldnt Get Far, but things havent always been smooth between them. In 2019, the Compton native ruffled feathers when he rapped about Kanyes then-wife Kim Kardashian who he previously dated in vulgar fashion. Im a G.O.A.T., n-gga/I held Kim Kardashian by her throat, n-gga/Made her swallow my kids until she choked, n-gga/I should apologize because Ye my folks, n-gga, he spit on an unreleased song from his Born To Rap album. It was reported at the time Game was urged by his inner circle to call Kanyeand clear the air, but he refused. During a recent interview with Complexs Speedy Morman, however, The Game revealed Ye reached out to him about the song and needless to say, he wasnt happy. There was a few times where Ye called me after he heard me say some shit and was like, Wassup?' Game said. And Im like, Wassup, n-gga? He like, Come on, man. And Im like, Come on what? He like, Kims mad about the line. Can you not do it anymore? And Im like, Yeah. And so I stopped for a while, but then I did it again and he got a little pissed off at me. We didnt speak for, like, six months Im not saying it was due to that but I could hear the anger in his voice the second time. I felt he meant it and I love him to death so then I really axed the shit and weve been smooth ever since. A post shared by Dondas Place ?? (@dondasplace) The Game also addressed his history with Kim Kardashianand recalled Kanye Wests surprising reaction to their brief fling while working together in the studio earlier this year. Any time Ive ever needed Ye, hes always been there for me, he said. And this is after Ive disrespected his marriage at times by saying, you know, what me and Kim used to be. Even Ye would joke about that now; Ill sit with Ye and hes like, Well shit, Game fucked with Kim first! And Ill be like, N-gga, we in a room full of people! The first two times it was kind of awkward; now its just Ye being honest and its all good. He added, Kanye is really smart, bro. He knew about everybody that Kim dated before she dated him. Read more

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