The Game Is Still Going At Eminem: 'I'm Just The Better Rapper' #TheGame

hiphopdx May 29, 2022 The Game 32
The Game Is Still Going At Eminem: 'I'm Just The Better Rapper' #TheGame

The Game sat down for an interview with SHOWTIME Basketball for Ep. 137 of All The Smoke earlier this month.

Kanye West and the late Los Angeles Lakers star Kobe Bryant, among others. He also reinforced his belief hes the superior rapper when it comes to Eminem. At the same time, he suggested Eminemisnt listened to anywhere in public at least not at the club or in a locker room. When have you ever heard Eminem in a club? he said in the clip. When have you ever heard it in the locker room? And Im not taking away from that, I dont hear Eminem in the streets. I just dont. Its not saying he cant rap. The skillset is there. Im just the better rapper. I just havent been given the light hes been giving. View this post on Instagram The Game contended his unwavering confidence is required to be a rapper. As he explained, When Im saying that I want a battle with Eminem or Eminem is not the greatest rapper and Im better than him, it is not like when I see Eminem Imma drown this n-gga or Imma beat this n-gga. Im supposed to think that Im better than every single rapper, else why would I do this shit at all? In March, Read more

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