The Game Addresses Nipsey Hussle Bars After Indian Red Boy Murder

hiphopdx July 14, 2021 The Game 76
The Game Addresses Nipsey Hussle Bars After Indian Red Boy Murder

The Game took to Instagram on Tuesday (July 13) to apologize for his lyrics after Indian Red Boy was killed for allegedly dissing a Nipsey Hussle mural.

The Game took to social media on Tuesday (July 13) to apologize for some controversial Nipsey Hussle-relatedlyrics he rapped following the murder of Indian Red Boy. 21-year-old Inglewood rapper Indian Red Boy was shot and killed on Thursday (July 8)while on Instagram Live, with the Los Angeles Police Department pronouncing him dead at the scene. The Hawthorne Police Department said the killing appeared to be targeted, with online rumors suggesting Red Boy was a member of the Bloods gang and killed for dissing a mural for Nipsey Hussle, who repped the Rollin 60s Neighborhood Crips. On Monday (July 12), The Game went live on Instagram to spit bars that referenced retaliating to Nipsey Hussle disrespect with violence. All white Air Force 1s/N-ggas coming through the hood with them air force guns, he rapped. We got more drakes than the Billboard/Disrespecting Nip, the type of shit you n-ggas get killed for/We not gon stand for the disrespect/Get this .45 Bell pressed against your neck. But according to The Game, he wrote the lyrics months ago and meant no disrespect to Indian Red Boy or anyone else. Im on here to address a situation thats been coming to my DMs and my phone all morning about some bars I said yesterday on my Live, he began. Number one, I aint mean no disrespect to Indian Red Boy, R.I.P., his family, anybody close to him and definitely not the Inglewood families at all or no Blood set in L.A. or none of that shit. Not only did I not mean no disrespect to them n-ggas, I dont mean no disrespect to no L.A. gangs, no Crips, no Bloods, no eses, none of that. Read more

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