Swizz Beatz Recalls DMX Customizing Rental Car

hiphopdx May 28, 2021 DMX 92
Swizz Beatz Recalls DMX Customizing Rental Car

DMX's highly anticipated posthumous album Exodus arrived on Friday (May 28), extending a legacy that began to take shape in the 1990s.

DMXs highly anticipated posthumous album Exodus arrived on Friday (May 28),extending a legacy that began to take shape in the 1990s. Prior to its arrival, longtime friend and producer Swizz Beatz hosted a listening partyfor a handful of people. Before Swizz pressed play on album opener Thats My Dog featuring The LOX, he said a few words about his fallen brother and recalled a time when DMXonce customized a rental car. Hes the same person who rented a car and then fucking bought rims to put on a rented car rims, put tint, wrapped the car, Swizz Beatz told HipHopDX. I said, Dog, you rentin the car. What you doing? He said, Ah its mine right now. When I give it back to them, if they want to take it off, fuck it. He rented a car and decked it out like it was his. Like he just didnt even care. Part of what made DMXsuch a revered artist was his ability to relate to his fans. With every album, beginning with 1998s Its Dark and Hell Is Hot, DMX rapped through his pain, vulnerability and anything else he was feeling at the time. Nothing was off limits. X was just different, Swizz continued. He was a philanthropist. He was a peoples person. A lot of people like to lead with a lot of negativity with our culture and our music, but X was just different. Even the things he got locked up for, they werent like big things. They were little things. You never heard of him hurting people. X was a real serious people. He was getting in trouble for stupid shit. He was a teddy bear. He was a good guy. Swizz added, looking up at the sky, Sorry for calling you a teddy bear, but you know you was a teddy bear . Read more

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