Summer Walker Fans Try To Break Glass Case To Hear New Album

hiphopdx October 19, 2021 Summer Walker 19
Summer Walker Fans Try To Break Glass Case To Hear New Album

Summer Walker is preparing the release of her new album Still On It, and the R&B songstress has fans doing the most to get their hands on the album early.

Summer Walkers new album Still On Itis scheduled to release on November 5, and fans cant wait to get their hands on new music from the R&B songstress. People in New York City can try their luck at getting the album early, though. On Sunday (October 17), Summer Walker took to her Instagramto announce her fans in New York City have the chance to hear Still Over It if they managed to break through a glass container holding the hard drive with the new album on it. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Summer Walker (@summerwalker) Footage circulating on social mediashow fans heading to various locations across Manhattan on Monday (October 18) trying to release the hard drive from its prison. Most people who participated in the challenge failed except for one gentleman who managed to pop the top of the glass container in Harlem. Uhh ooo NYC you came with the timbs and black forces energy!! somebody broke the case and got me.. theyll have an early listen to #STILLOVERIT, someone wrote as the caption on the post on Read more

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