Snoop Dogg Reveals He Is Behind NFT Influencer Twitter Account

hotnewhiphop September 23, 2021 Snoop Dogg 34
Snoop Dogg Reveals He Is Behind NFT Influencer Twitter Account

Snoop doxxed himself, revealing he has been running a cryptocurrency-based Twitter account. @CozomoMedici, a Twitter account now boasting more than 46K followers, was a Twitter account designed to share 'tales & insights from the wild world of NFTs' but as of a couple day ago, was revealed to be...

Audius, a new streaming platform built on blockchain, the same technology that makes NFTs possible. Despite only a short time spent in the mainstream, NFTs have found their way into the rap game and the games best business minds have taken full advantage. Releasing NFTs or investing in the technology, however, is not the same as masquerading as an NFT influencer on Twitter who tells stories of useless jpegs and tells his followers to Grab a glass, take a seat & hold on tight, before telling them a tale of their NFT experience. With the @CozomoMedici identity reveal, Snoop took arguably the furthest step into the NFT and crypto scene that any rapper has taken. Along with the Twitter account, Australia's Stockhead has reported that the Cozomo_de_Medici address on OpenSea, a digital NFT marketplace, owns over 100 NFTs and numerous highly coveted NFTs, including a handful of CryptoPunks and Art Blocks pieces. One of the CryptoPunks, CryptoPunk #3831 Snoop Dogg has never been afraid to put himself out there and occupy a ton of different money-making lanes but this has to be up there for one of the most surprising. Investing in NFTs and crypto is one thing, living a secret, double life as a NFT and cryptocurrency Twitter influencer is another. What do you think of Snoops NFT Twitter account? Are you going to hit @CozomoMedici with that follow? Let us know in the comments. [ Read more

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