'Smithsonian Anthology Of Hip Hop + Rap' Has Arrived

hiphopdx August 22, 2021 hip hop 81
'Smithsonian Anthology Of Hip Hop + Rap' Has Arrived

The landmark Smithsonian Anthology of Hip-Hop and Raparrived on Friday (August 20), boasting 120 tracks, nine CDs, a 300-page book with 11 essays, extensive track-by-track liner notes and never-before-published images.

A post shared by Kyle Eustice (@kyleeustice) Produced by The Smithsonians National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC) and Smithsonian Folkways Recordings, the book is latest in the Smithsonian African American Legacy Series. Born in Bronx and raised across the American West and South, Hip Hopis one of the most influential genres of music in the modern era, the Andrew W. Mellon Director of NMAAHC Kevin Young said in a press release. Through beats, dynamic rhymes and pointed lyricism, Hip Hop has provided a platform for communities and generations to voice their ongoing struggles and has changed society and culture around the world. Read more

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