Hennessy Collaborates With Nas For Exclusive Hip-Hop Bottle #Nas

hiphopwired June 30, 2023 Nas 52
Hennessy Collaborates With Nas For Exclusive Hip-Hop Bottle #Nas

It's only right that Hip-Hop icon Nas would become a spokesman for what is considered the most popular cognac in the culture, Hennessy.

CLOSE Source: Roberto Ricciuti / Getty For the past few decades, Hennessy has unintentionally become the official alcoholic drink of the Hip-Hop culture. So it was only right that an Hip-Hop icon like Nas would become a spokesman for what is considered the most popular cognac in the culture. Looking to get in on the celebration of Hip-Hops 50th anniversary, Hennessy has announced that it will team up with the Nas aka the Queensbridge king to release an exclusive V.S. bottle that pays homage to arguably the most popular culture and music genre in the world. According to Hypebeast, the new must-have Hip-Hop inspired Hennessy bottle will be available for purchase this coming July, and you best believe these joints will be a hot commodity, especially around Queens. Hypebeast reports: The duos limited-edition Hennessy bottle is a love letter to hip-hop and is portrayed with a hand-written note by Nas. The aged label boasts trademark branding and Nas face alongside orange, white, and black splotches. Finally, the boxed packaging dons spirited HenNASsy lettering with NYC-inspired graffiti art accents. We. Needs. While collectors will no doubt purchase a few of these and maybe crack one open for enjoyment, we doubt youll see any of these joints just laying around the block after its contents have been consumed like the average empty bottle of Henny. Hip-Hop Hennessy heads are going to cherish this joint. Hennessy should go all the way with it and drop shirts and other merchandise with this. Just sayin. Check out Hennessys announcement tweets below and let us know if youll be picking up a bottle of HenNASsy in the comments section below. HipHopWired Radio Read more

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