You guys, Boosie has opinions on Lil Nas X's pregnancy shoot. And he wants to make them known. Maybe we were better off not knowing though.
519 Not that anyone expected Boosie to issue a Harvard Business School-worthy dissertation, but his tweet raises a few questions. First of all, God is turning over in his grave? Is God dead, Torrence? Maybe you meant Jesus no, wait, he came back after three days. Which God is in his grave, Boosie? Were you watching Avengers: Infinity War and mourning the death of Thor? (Not that I blame you if thats the case. I mean, have you seen Chris Hemsworths luscious locks?) Second, protect yours? From what, sir? Little boys and girls have been sticking basketballs under their shirts pretending to be pregnant since time immemorial. Are you suggesting we protect ours from the threat of basketballs? Or maybe youre suggesting we protect ours from men who hire sex workers to sexually assault our underage boys?Nah, you couldnt be saying that, could you? I mean, Boosie, sir, you seem to have an awful lot of concernabout the genitalia of young Black boys and young Black girls. You also seem to be under the impression that abusing said childrenis acceptable. You even reach a point where you harass people who are doing their jobs in affordable gyms. All this anger isnt healthy, sir. Have you considered therapy, Torrence? It just might help. Posted in Read more