Too Short's thoughts on biracial babies don't reflect Saweetie's POV, it seems.
TMZ/Getty Saweetie is denying partaking in colorism after an old chat she had with Too Shortresurfaced anew -- pointing out that ... yes, she checked him and defended Black women. This IG Live convo between the two rappers went down sometime last year, and for whatever reason ... it popped up on social media again this weekend, with folks criticizing both her and the Bay Area legend for many perceived as pitting biracial Black people against those who are 100% Black. In the clip, you hear Short say that he loves biracial women ... and that he's never fallen in love with any woman who wasn't mixed. Saweetie -- at that point in the convo -- was just taking it in, without any real pushback in the moment ... and sorta yukking it up with him. TS goes on to say that biracial babies are also the most beautiful ones, to him at least, and that no biracial baby can be ugly. While he didn't say this, per se ... the assumption is that other babies, perhaps, of one race or ethnicity could be less than cute, in his eyes. Since @idkthreatblocked me make sure yall post the whole clip. Black women are beautiful period! Read more