SARAN Is The Unstoppable Scrappy Young King Of Thai Hip Hop In GOLOGOSO

hiphopdx October 07, 2021 hip-hop 2
SARAN Is The Unstoppable Scrappy Young King Of Thai Hip Hop In GOLOGOSO

The prolific Thai rapper is joined by friends and collaborators JONIN And DIAMOND MQT

In the last six months of covering Thai hip hop, SARAN has consistently been under our radar. The rapper hasnt even hit 20 yet, which is not unusual in the bustling local rap scene that is fair to say is currently being run by young blood.At its forefront is SARAN, whose equally young career is marked by countless viral moments, along with his contemporaries DIAMOND MQT, YOUNGGU, and more others, who has proven time and again that he can thrive in raps cutthroat, pandemic-plagued competition. From an outsiders perspective, this volume-heavy approach is overwhelming, fascinating, and suspect at once.But at the same time, it is ostentatiously clear that SARAN doesnt operate under the air of mystique, nor does he intend to. The jets, yachts, the golf carts, and the jewelry all at the very least suggest the rap trope of a high-roller lifestyle. In his latest single, GOLOGOSO (), SARAN foregoes some of the lavishly aspirational visual and instead hints at his youth. translates to being dirty, shabby, and SARAN, notwithstanding personal appearances, is perhaps the scrappiest, most visible face in Thai rap to date.Affording him the title of young king is not a stretchat the very least, hes on his way to claim the throne.Although its more inarguable to note that hes more prolific than he is proficient (he raps in Thai and his music videos currently have no English translations), its hard to not pay attention to him., SARAN switches from drill to R&B-tinged hip hop from one song to the next. In the absence of a longer and more conceptual record, we can only rely on his loose body of work so far, one dominated by both trends and established Southern American hip hop and UK grime musical styles; occasionally, he goes on a more emotive lane.Back to GOLOGOSO () featuring DIAMOND MQT and JONINthe track isnt even technically new. Back in June, SARAN has set a months-long buildup when he previewed it as the outro of his June track, Academy. Local hip hop platform HIPHOPCULTURE TH noted further that SARAN continued to tease previews on Instagram Live. The marketing paid off. The music video has been viewed more than 500,000 times since its release last night (October 6). Not too shabby.Watch GOLOGOSO () below: Read more

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