Rick Ross Takes Bromance Goals To The Club In These 5 Pics SOHH.com

sohh July 29, 2021 Rick Ross 118
Rick Ross Takes Bromance Goals To The Club In These 5 Pics  SOHH.com

Florida rapper and entrepreneur Rick Ross recently hosted an epic party complete with celebrity guests and event photographers and boy are we grateful for them.

July 29, 2021 4. Chain Game Strong Wale and Rick Ross both pose for pictures dawning large glittering chains. Wales chain is an iced-out Native American chief head, an homage to his home towns football team formerly known as the Washington Redskins. Ross chain is the iced-out emblem of his record company Maybach Music Group. Glad to see Wale out and about! #SOHH(Via @RickRoss/ @ richforever on IG) Read more

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