Remy Ma Compares Non-Mask Wearers To STD Magnets

hiphopdx August 18, 2020 Remy Ma 139
Remy Ma Compares Non-Mask Wearers To STD Magnets

Remy Ma had harsh criticisms of people who choose not to wear masks or follow social distancing guidelines.

August 3, 2019 I love being with my family, he said of the quarantine. I get to spend so much time with my amazing wife and my daughter. Were just making the best out of it and moving forward. Some good things are actually coming out of this. You know, we gonna have a new child soon. Remy and Pap welcomed their first child together in December 2018. The Conceited rapper also has an 18-year-old son from a previous relationship, while Pap has three other children. Subscribe to DX Newsletter Get The Most Important Stories Of The Day Straight To Your Inbox Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Youre Far Too Kind To complete the subscription process, please click the link in the email we just sent you. Joining Newsletter Read more

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