Rap Artist Manager Says Queen Key & Polo G Producer DJ Ayo Scammed Her During Pandemic

hiphopdx May 04, 2021 Polo G 196
Rap Artist Manager Says Queen Key & Polo G Producer DJ Ayo Scammed Her During Pandemic

The two Chicago-based artists were scheduled to perform for a virtual concert in 2020, but took their deposits without showing up.

Queen Key and producer DJ Ayo reportedly didnt talk back after being commissioned for their talents yet didnt performed as expected. Independent artist manager Elizabeth Johanson told Chicagos WBBM-TVshe was duped by both the Who Am Irapper for $1,000 and the beatsmith for Polo Gs Through Da Stormproducer DJ Ayo for $650. Johanson, who runs management label Chicago Executives, booked Queen Key and DJ Ayo for a virtual concert with several of her own local artists scheduled in 2020. Johanson claims Queen Key didnt show up for the concert and DJ Ayo never delivered his beats. It does feel like a shakedown, Johanson said. It feels like a never-ending ladder. Johanson believes the high profile status of Queen Key and DJ Ayo shielded them from facing their undoing. View this post on Instagram A post shared by QUEEN KEY (@keyisqueen) They feel like nobody is going to say anything because of their status, Johanson said. It looks like bad recognition on our company. Johanson has organized several other virtual concerts during the COVID-19 pandemic. For her Queen Key and DJ Ayo-billed show, an undisclosed amount of concert tickets were refunded as a result of Queen Key and DJ Ayo skipping out on the virtual show. Johanson revealed her mobile phones text messages threads to Queen Key and DJ Ayo requesting refunds of the deposits beginning in October, which received no responses. Of course, money never came, Johanson said. Her multiple refund requests were: So when should I expect my refund, because Monday had come and passed? So whats up with my refund? Read more

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