Queen Latifah Co-Signs Billy Porter's Comments About Black Lives Matter & The LGBT Community

allhiphop June 16, 2020 Queen Latifah 119
Queen Latifah Co-Signs Billy Porter's Comments About Black Lives Matter & The LGBT Community

Some activists are trying to promote intersectionality among the demonstrators calling for justice for all African-Americans.

A post shared by Billy Porter(@theebillyporter) on Jun 4, 2020 at 3:28pm PDT Supporters applauded Porter for calling out homophobia and transphobia among African-Americans. His message also gained a lot of traction because there have been multiple cases of Black trans women being murdered in America in recent weeks However, some detractors took issue with Porters IG post. There were complaints that he waspushing division in the Black Lives Matter coalition right as local and state governments were starting to take up police reform legislationin response to the global, multicultural BLM protests following the murder of George Floyd by then-Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin. Other critics of Porters statement mentioned that many openly gay activists, like Deray McKesson andJohnetta Elzie, are closely associated with BLM and they have been on the frontline for demonstrations for years. Plus, the Black Lives Matter organization has been outspoken about LGBT issues. Its website states, We affirm the lives of Black q#### and trans folks, disabled folks, undocumented folks, folks with records, women, and all Black lives along the gender spectrum. Queen Latifah apparently falls in the supporter section as it relates to Billy Porters complaints about the relationship between the BLM movement and the LGBTQ community. The Hip Hop legend spoke to the Associated Press about the topic. I 100% agree, said Latifahwhen asked for her thoughts on Porters viral Instagram video. You know, we dont have the luxury of separating ourselves from one another right now. The whole purpose is inclusivity. The Oscar-nominated actress added, You should be respected for who you are, no matter who you are that includes the LGBTQ community, especially our trans sisters and brothers that are being murdered in these streets for no reason, other than that they are or who they are, and someone decides that I dont like who you are or I want to attack you. It just cant fly. Spread the love Read more

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