Quavo & Saweetie Are Said To Be 'Quietly' Hanging Out

hiphopdx August 25, 2021 Saweetie 52
Quavo & Saweetie Are Said To Be 'Quietly' Hanging Out

Rap's former favorite couple Quavo and Saweetie dated for roughly two years before calling it quits under a veil of controversy in March.

Fans Flip Out After Quavo & Saweetie Are Said To Be Quietly Hanging Out Again Published on:Aug 25, 2021, 10:12 AM by 0 Raps former favorite couple Quavo and Saweetiedated for roughly three years before calling it quits under a veil of controversyin March. After unfollowing each other on social media, Twitter blew up with breakup rumors and the ICY GIRL rapper soon confirmed the split with a pair of Twitter posts while suggesting the Migos rapper had been unfaithful. Im single, Saweetie wrote at the time. Ive endured too much betrayal and hurt behind the scenes for a false narrative to be circulating that degrades my character. Presents dont band aid scars and the love isnt real when the intimacy is given to other women. Im single. Ive endured too much betrayal and hurt behind the scenes for a false narrative to be circulating that degrades my character. Presents dont band aid scars and the love isnt real when the intimacy is given to other women. BIG MAC MAMA (@Saweetie) March 19, 2021 But that was apparently the least of their problems. Shortly after the breakup announcement, surveillance footage of a physical altercationbetween the couple was leaked online. In the clip, Quavo and Saweetie wrestled over an orange Call of Duty case before she ultimately fell to the ground. Quavo then reportedly had her birthday Read more

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