NLE Choppa Speaks Out After Arrest, Says He Was Set Up

rap-up April 01, 2021 NLE Choppa 212
NLE Choppa Speaks Out After Arrest, Says He Was Set Up

Hip-Hop and R&B Music, News, Photos, Interviews, & Videos

April 1, 2021 Choppa, who has often promoted his clean lifestyle, also called out the media for trying to disparage his name. Every media outlet, news channel, and etc covered this story to paint a picture on a new surface Ive been working so hard to create, he said before vowing to be exonerated. This case will be beat and I will walk a free man, remember its innocent until proven guilty not guilty until proven innocent. Asking my supporters to stand firm with me and allow God to do his work. Thank you and love yall dearly. While he fights to clear his name, Choppa is capitalizing off the drama by releasing a collection of T-shirts and hoodies featuring his mug shot as well as a new freestyle, Beat Box (First Day Out), which has nearly 1 million YouTube views. Purchase Your Choppa Free Hoodies And Tees Now With My Beautiful Mugshot Read more

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