NLE Choppa Has Advice For People Wanting To Eat Healthy

hiphopdx August 13, 2021 NLE Choppa 72
NLE Choppa Has Advice For People Wanting To Eat Healthy

NLE Choppa is taking his health and others very seriously and has even more advice for those looking to walk the same holistic path he's on with natural medicine.

Twitter to school fans on hybrid foods. Hybrid foods are essentially foods that will not grow in nature. They are cross-bred to create produce that maximizes desirable traits, according to an article on Livestrong . NLE Choppa is making sure all his people know these foods are bad for them. These Here Are Few Hybrid Food Options You Shouldnt Be Consuming, he tweeted. Spinach, Broccoli, Banana, Carrots, Corn, Potatoes, Rice, Bread, Breakfast Cereals, Tumeric, And Peppermint. These are just a few. He added, SUGAR is also a hybrid its actually a drug. Highly addictive. These Here Are Few Hybrid Food Options You Shouldnt Be Consuming. Spinach, Broccoli, Banana, Carrots, Corn, Potatoes, Rice, Bread, Breakfast Cereals, Tumeric, And Peppermint. These are just a few NLE Choppa (@Nlechoppa1) SUGAR is also a hybrid its actually a drug. Highly addictive NLE Choppa (@Nlechoppa1) August 12, 2021 Fans were up in arms over foods like spinach, banana and rice, but through his heavy research, NLE Choppa may be onto something. Hes been calling for his fans and fellow rappers to adopt a healthier lifestyle and even called for an anti-lean challenge in June. NLE Choppas passion for healthy living is so strong hes already planning his retirement from Hip Hop. Last month, the Memphis rap star announced his plans to exit the industry and help the greater good through his research in natural medicine. Read more

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