NLE Choppa Gets Leg Tattoo To Honor Nipsey Hussle

hotnewhiphop September 13, 2021 NLE Choppa 52
NLE Choppa Gets Leg Tattoo To Honor Nipsey Hussle

NLE Choppa added to his already impressive ink with a tribute to the late Nipsey Hussle. Since Los Angeles rapper and entrepreneur Nipsey Hussle's untimely passing in March 2019, rappers and athletes including The Game, Dave East and J.R. Smith have gone out of their way to pay tribute during interv...

Choppa offered up a tribute on Twitter. And in an Instagram post last November, he included photos of he and King Von Pop Smoke Juice WRLD along with a solo shot of Hussle. Tribute tattoos are a part of hip-hop and Choppa, known for having tattoos all over his body, found space to turn that IG tribute into something more permanent and more special, fitting for someone like Nipsey Husslewho held and still holds legend status to this day. Check out 's portrait of Nipsey below and let us know what you think. [ Read more

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