NLE Choppa Gets Into Airport Altercation With NBA YoungBoy Fan

hiphopdx January 18, 2022 NLE Choppa 61
NLE Choppa Gets Into Airport Altercation With NBA YoungBoy Fan

In a clip posted by The Neighborhood Talk,a man believed to beNLE Choppa gets in an altercation at the airport with an alleged NBA YoungBoy fan.

has worked hard to cultivate a tranquil existence or at least thats how it looks on the surface. But on Monday (January 17), video footage of the 19-year-old rapper strolling through an airport looked anything but peaceful. In a clip posted by The Neighborhood Talk, a man believed to be NLE Choppa is strolling through the terminal when the man filming snaps, Are you NLE? I asked you mad times. What? Stop playing with me. From there, the camera falls to the ground as a scuffle appears to ensue. Although the screen is black, the sound of screaming and sneakers on the waxy floor are still audible. The person claimed in the caption, I beat nle ass. The person who supposedly delivered the beatdown is then shown on the phone with someone off-camera saying, He just beat NLE Choppa ass . He then says to the camera, Hey yo. Yeah, I just knocked out NLE Choppa Hes a fucking bitch. Fuck, n-gga. Read more

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