Nicki Minaj Spikes Overall Crocs Demand By A Huge Percentage

hotnewhiphop May 19, 2021 Nicki Minaj 115
Nicki Minaj Spikes Overall Crocs Demand By A Huge Percentage

Nicki Minaj is carrying the Crocs brand on her back, prompting an average 3000% increase in demand for the shoes. We previously reported that after Nicki Minaj returned to social media wearing her bright pink Crocs with Chanel-inspired accessories, the Barbz rushed over to buy several pairs of their...

SHARE PICTURE Brad Barket/Getty Images Nicki Minaj is carrying the Crocs brand on her back, prompting an average 3000% increase in demand for the shoes. We previously reported that after Nicki Minajreturned to social media wearing her bright pink Crocs with Chanel-inspired accessories, the Barbz rushed over to buy several pairs of their own, crashing the website and ultimately spiking sales by 4900% for pink clogs New figures suggest that the Queen's follow-up moves, which included her flaunting black and blue Crocs on the 'Gram have brought about a similar sales spike for Crocs, which means that Nicki is pretty much single-handedly bringing back everyone's favorite ugly (yet insanely comfortable) shoes. According to the latest statistics from The Sole Supplier, Nicki Minaj has caused a global spike in Crocs sales speaking to her influence and power across the globe. As the Barbz continue spending their money on Crocs, the report notes that there has been an average 3000% increase in demand for the shoes. Having sported blue and black Crocs in her most recent photos and videos, Nicki has personally attributed to a 1330% sales spike for blue clogs and a 2400% surge for the black ones. She's been accessorizing her kicks with tons of flashy Jibbitz too, with reports noting a 170% increase in popularity for those. At this point, it sure seems as though Nicki could become the next major ambassador for Crocs. She's basically carrying the brand on her back as it is. What do you think of these numbers? Pretty impressive, right? Read more

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