Nicki Minaj Shocked CyHi The Prynce Rewriting Her 'Monster' Verse #NickiMinaj

hiphopdx June 07, 2022 Nicki Minaj 51
Nicki Minaj Shocked CyHi The Prynce Rewriting Her 'Monster' Verse #NickiMinaj

CyHi The Prynce recalls Nicki Minaj rewriting and recording her verse for Kanye West's 'Monster' during an interview with HipHopDX.

Nicki Minaj Shocked CyHi The Prynce By Rewriting & Recording Her 'Monster' Verse Live Published on:Jun 7, 2022, 3:21 AM by 0 Exclusive Nicki Minajsverse on Monster remains one of the standout moments on Kanye WestsMy Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy album. CyHi The Pryncewas there for Nickis studio sessions and was shocked to see her rewrite her verse on the spot per Kanyes request, which he described during a recent interview with HipHopDX. The day I got there, I think Rossleft the same day, but I had heard his verse at the same time Ye heard the verse the new, the one that made the album, he explained. Nicki, I was there. I heard Nicki doing it over. Her first ones were hard, I mean, like all of her verses, I couldnt believe she could rap that good as a young lady. I was like, Damn! Cause you know, back then, there were no insights to the studio process, so you just thought some guy helped her put it together and mechanically pieced this thing together. She actually wrote that and rapped it. CyHi The Prynce also revealed the way Nicki Minaj acted in the music video was exactly how she was in the studio. How she be moving and animated, she did that while she was rapping it, he said. I was like, Damn, shes talented. I knew she was special, and the verse was special. Just her mannerisms and how she was doing the changing of characters. You know, you think that she does it in the video, but you dont think shes actually rapping like that. Nah, she actually raps it like that. So I was like, Damn, that was hard.' Nicki Minaj previously revealed Kanye Westwasnt sure whether to put Monster on his album because of the quality of her verse. 7 year anniversary of #Monster Kanye called me to tell me Jay put a verse on this song & that he was still deciding if he would put it on his album, she wrote on Instagram in 2017. Haha. It was like an hour long call where I tried to convince him to let the song stay on his album. He felt this verse would end up being the talk of the album. I said: YOURE KANYE WEST!!!! Read more

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