Nicki Minaj, Kenneth Petty's Legal Team Accused Of Ignoring Rape Victim's Lawyer

allhiphop August 31, 2021 Nicki Minaj 142
Nicki Minaj, Kenneth Petty's Legal Team Accused Of Ignoring Rape Victim's Lawyer

A lawyer repping a woman suing Nicki Minaj and Kenneth Petty for harassing her over a rape, claims the couples legal team is ignoring him!

August 31, 2021 The lawyer repping the woman suing Nicki Minaj and her husband Kenneth Petty for harassing her for years over a rape, claims the couples legal team is ignoring him! The lawyer representing the woman suing Nicki Minaj and her husband Kenneth Petty is having a hard time tracking the pair down. Tyrone A. Blackburn Esq. is representing a woman named Jennifer Hough, who claims Nickis husband Kenneth has been intimidating her for years. Hough sued the pair earlier this month, claiming they offered her $500,000 if she would recant her rape allegation so Kenneth could get off the National Sex Offender Registry list. Hough says she has been bombarded with phone calls and personal visits from Kenneth Pettys associates for 20-plus years. She has been in so much fear that she has had to move multiple times to protect herself and her family. In a new twist, Tyrone Blackburn just asked the court to give him more time to serve a copy of the complaint on Nicki and Kenneth because he cannot locate them. Ms. Hough has made several attempts to serve a copy of the summons and complaint on Defendant Nicki Minaj and her husband, Defendant Kenneth Petty. Defendants home address is not publicly listed. This writer has reached out to the last known counsel for Defendant Nicki Minaj and the current defense counsel for Defendant Kenneth Petty. Both counsels have ignored my emails and phone calls, Tyrone Blackburn told Judge Eric Vitaliano. Blackburn is asking Judge Vitaliano to give him an extension of time to serve the summons and complaints on Nicki and her hubby. He is also asking the court to approve services of process via the U.S. Marshals office in his quest to locate the superstar rapper and her husband, to serve them with the complaint. As AllHipHop previously reported, Hough maintains Petty, with the assistance of his wife Nicki Minaj, has been attempting to terrorize her in an attempt to pressure her into recanting her claim that Petty raped her at knifepoint in 1994, when she was a young girl. Kenneth Petty was convicted of attempted first-degree rape in 1995 and he served a little under four years in prison for the crime. As a result, Petty is required to register as a sex offender in each jurisdiction he resides or is employed in. Petty ran into trouble when he moved to California with Nicki Minaj and failed to register in the state, as required by law. in violation of the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA). Since then, Kenneth Petty has been working hard to clear his name. Petty claims he was never given a chance to oppose the risk level he was assigned since he was incarcerated for manslaughter when the hearing took place. Posted in Exclusives News Read more

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