Nicki Minaj goes topless in latest new music announcement

sohh May 13, 2021 Nicki Minaj 123
Nicki Minaj goes topless in latest new music announcement

New York rapper Nicki Minaj is just hours away from unloading some new music and is doing the most to get everyone's attention. The rap game's most popular Barb

Nicki Minaj pulls up + makes Thurs night reveal. Nicki Minaj Announces FRACTIONS Song Earlier in the week, Nicki stepped up to let the world knowshe has big bars gearing up to drop in the form of a new song presumably called FRACTIONS. Onika hit up Instagram with a slideshow of fire pics. Along with slaying in the shots, Nicki shared some lyrics and appeared to reveal her song is set for a Friday drop. Btchs act like they want action, heard they want action, btch we aint duckin no action. Im bout to givem dat traction, send a distraction then ima lineem like FRACTIONS F R I D A Y The huge announcement sparked co-signs from vixenJadeto rap starLil Waynes daughterReginae Carter. BADDDD -Jade -Baddie Gi LLC Becomes A Hit, 3 Years Later Earlier this month, in music-related news, the song LLC from Nicki Minajs 2018 album Queen Read more

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