Nicki Minaj Confuses Fans More With Pregnancy Rumors #NickiMinaj

allhiphop July 10, 2022 Nicki Minaj 33
Nicki Minaj Confuses Fans More With Pregnancy Rumors #NickiMinaj

Nicki Minaj has put on some weight and her fans want answers. The rhyme queen gives answers, but they may not be the responses her fans want.

Click to share on Skype (Opens in new window) At least she is a good sport about this. But she is not giving yall any answers Last week, she set off a firestorm of rumors that suggested that she was either fat or pregnant. By the way, fat is a relative term when you look like Nicki. She still looks great, so I am not about to hate. But she has put on some noticeable pounds. Well, some people thought they confirmed her status! And here, she shuts down the pregnancy rumors, saying that she is FAT! Read more

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