New Ice Cube Interview Reveals The Rapper Almost Killed Classmate Over $20

hotnewhiphop September 10, 2021 Ice Cube 37
New Ice Cube Interview Reveals The Rapper Almost Killed Classmate Over $20

The 52-year-old opened up about his childhood adventures on In Depth with Graham Bensinger. It’s no secret that Ice Cube has lived one hell of a life, but the rapper recently revealed that things could’ve turned out much differently, had he followed a destructive impulse at a young...

Ethan Miller/Getty Images The 52-year-old opened up about his childhood adventures on In Depth with Graham Bensinger. Its no secret that Ice Cubehas lived one hell of a life, but the rapper recently revealed that things couldve turned out much differently, had he followed a destructive impulse at a young age. During a sit down with Graham Bensinger, the father of five talked a lot about his childhood, specifically noting the time that a classmate who was known to abuse drugs conned his mother out of $20. Tim Nwachukwu/Getty Images I was so mad. You violated me and my family, the It Was A Good Day singer recalled. So, me and my friends were going around the corner to kill him. And he wasnt home. So, thank God. He continued, we were young, we were mad, we had a weapon, and it was going to happen. Bensinger and Cube then go on to chat about how doing that wouldve lead the rapper down a completely different path, and he certainly wouldnt have gone on to become the worldwide sensation that he has. It wouldve been stupid and I wouldnt be sitting here if it did happen, he reflected. Like I said, Im glad he wasnt there, because nobody should die over $20. The Crenshaw native spent some more time reminiscing on the good old days, telling Bensinger about the time his mother forced him to take his ex-girlfriend to prom, despite the fact that he had already asked another girl. You can check out the full interview clip with Cube below. [ Read more

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