Neno Calvin Mhadi G BTY Youngn G Eazy & More star in Free Water Vol. 4 [Source Exclusive]

thesource December 09, 2016 G-Eazy 6
Neno Calvin Mhadi G BTY Youngn G Eazy & More star in Free Water Vol. 4 [Source Exclusive]

The Magazine of Hip Hop Music,Culture and Politics

Fresh off of a studio session with Chris Brown , BTYs life seems to be moving at a rapid pace. Featured in Vol.4 delivering another hard hitting freestyle, Im not sure if theres anyone who enjoys rapping as much as BTY Youngn right now, and it seems as though Birdman feels the same way about Young Stunna. Young Stunna, sound familiar? Another Hollygrove rapper took on a name deeming himself Birdmans protege, when Lil Wayne emerged from the 17th as Birdman J.R. The similarities are there, but BTY is certainly his own, unique creature. Metaphors for years, an aggressive rap style, a journeyman story, and a personality that cant be rivaled. BTY has the total package, and now with a Rich Gang backing, that should eventually draw him away from street life, BTY Youngn may be setting himself up for a load of success. Mhadi G is Free Water to death. Mhadi G has now put out a string of hits including: Stop, Call Log, and Miss Me , and he doesnt seem to be slowing up. As one of the faces of the Free Water brand, Mhadi G embodies what this dope collective stands for, which is, having the time of your life, and knowing that The wave is always free... Mhadi G looks, sounds, and demeanors himself as a star, and I think that same energy attracts itself to him. Hes ultimately one of the most important components to the success of Free Water. If youre an artist out there, and you want your song to Tup even more during performances, I have one simple solution for you, tap Mhadi G for a featureand just because the wave is free, doesnt mean the feature will be..ha. G Eazy is no stranger to New Orleans. New Orleans loves G Eazy, and based on Vol. 4 it seems as though G Eazy loves New Orleans back. See, G Eazy spent time in New Orleans during his college days, and the bond has been strong ever since. Free Water managed to capture this bond, and the energy radiates off of your screen. Free Water is perfect for these moments, the way that they capture an artist, in relation to the room he/she is in, or the way they ca Read more

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