Migos Add 5 Tracks For 'Culture III' Deluxe

hiphopdx June 17, 2021 Migos 108
Migos Add 5 Tracks For 'Culture III' Deluxe

Less than a week after releasing 'Culture III', the Migos are already back with another five tracks for fans to digest as part of 'Culture III's deluxe edition

Migos Release Culture III Deluxe Following Billboard No. 2 Album Projection Published on:Jun 17, 2021, 7:51 AM by 1 Less than a week after releasing Culture III, the Migosare already back with another five tracks for fans to digest as part of Culture IIIs deluxe edition. The five-pack hit streaming services on Thursday (June 17), which is also the final day for sales to count toward C3s first week. There doesnt look to be any features on the extra cuts with titles of the tracks such as How We Coming, How Did I, New Money, Menace and Working A Fool. Offset initially teased the idea for a deluxe on Twitter Wednesday (June 16) night. The shrewd move comes as a last-minute power play to possibly ensure Culture III goes No. 1on the Billboard 200. The ATL trio looks to keep their perfect record alive with both previous Culture albums topping the charts. DELUXE????? June 16, 2021 Although, standing in their way is Polo Gs Hall of Fame. The burgeoning Chicago superstar was projected to beat out the ATL trio by about 9,000 album-equivalent units in HitsDoubleDailyslatest estimates on Wednesday prior to the deluxes arrival. Read more

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