Meek Mill Declares War On His Label For Allegedly Not Paying Him

hiphopdx October 26, 2021 Meek Mill 19
Meek Mill Declares War On His Label For Allegedly Not Paying Him

Meek Mill recently took to Twitter on Monday (October 25) to vent about his current label situation while claiming he he hasn't received any money from his deal.

Meek Mill Declares War On His Label For Not Paying Him - As N.O.R.E. Exposes Record Deals Published on:Oct 26, 2021, 7:25 AM by 5 There are times when a rapper will come out and make complaints about their record label.It happens frequently and doesnt seem to be ending anytime soon. On Monday (October 25), Meek Millbecame the latest rapper to join the club as he vented his frustrations with his label. The Philly rapper took to Twitter to air out his issues with his current deal in front of his 10.9 million followers. According to Meek, he hasnt received a single penny and doesnt know how much money his label takes off his earnings. I havent get paid from music and i dont know how much money labels make off me, Meek wrote in a since-deleted tweet. I need lawyers asap!!! He added, Ask the record label? how much have you spent on me as a artist? then you ask how much have you made off me as a artist? im about to make my record deal public by monday just to let the world see what these people on!!! View this post on Instagram A post shared by The Shade Room (@theshaderoom) Meek Mill is currently signed to Atlantic Recordsand Maybach Music Groupwhile also being under management with Roc Nation Its unclear who Meek is talking about, but fans will have to wait until he discloses more details as promised to find out. N.O.R.E. might have been the source of inspiration for Meek Mill to go to Twitter and vent his frustrations with his label. During a recent visit to the I Am Athlete podcast, the Drink Champs host spoke about his first-hand experience of the ugly side of the music industry. When you sign to a major label, that money that they give you, lets say they give you $800,000, alright? Thats a loan, N.O.R.E. said. You have to pay back that loan with interest. So, if you dont make back that $800,000, what they do is, they put you in the red. You can still be hot and you didnt make back that $800,000. So, theyll give you another album, and instead of $800,000, theyll give you $1.2 this time. View this post on Instagram A post shared by 2Cool2Blog (@2cool2bl0g) He continued, But you still in the hole for that $800 you understand? But you got another $1.2 and if you dont make that, then youre just in the red for both. And this is a loan with interest that you dont get nothing out of. Hip Hop is not meant for the artist to win. Its never been meant for the artist to win and the more and more you learn, the more and more you read your contracts, the more and more its disturbing. Read more

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