Meek Mill Announces Bike Ride Out For DMX

hotnewhiphop April 18, 2021 Meek Mill 196
Meek Mill Announces Bike Ride Out For DMX

Meek Mill is doing a bike ride out for DMX. In honor of the late legendary rapper DMX, Meek Mill wants Ruff Ryders in the New York area to ride out with him this Sunday, he announced on Twitter. “We gotta have a ride out for DMX one of the reasons I ride!!!!!” Mill wrote earlier this mon...

Brad Barket / Getty Images Meek Mill is doing a bike ride out for DMX. In honor of the late legendary rapper DMX Meek Millwants Ruff Ryders in the New York area to ride out with him this Sunday, he announced on Twitter. We gotta have a ride out for DMX one of the reasons I ride!!!!! Mill wrote earlier this month. We doing this ruff ryders ride out for X? he added. Saturday, Mill confirmed a date for the event, saying that it is going down on Sunday: Tomar we doing this shit for X NYC WHATS UP . the whole east coast lets get it!!!!! Real ruff Ryder shit 'ride or die' Im backing my 'supreme bike' out ! Roger Kisby / Getty Images Read more

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