Mack 10 Announces Redprint Album & Says Only Ice Cube Can Repair Westside Connection

hiphopdx August 03, 2020 Westside Connection 181
Mack 10 Announces Redprint Album & Says Only Ice Cube Can Repair Westside Connection

Mack 10 provided an update on his next solo album and the possibility of a Westside Connection reunion.

Mack 10 talked about his next solo album and the possibility of a Westside Connectionreunion in an interview with the Murder Master Music Show. The West Coast rapper explained how the COVID-19 pandemic actually helped him focus on music, allowing him to record his first solo LP since 2009s Soft White. With all the COVID stuff going on, it gave me time to get in the studio, he said. To be honest, my business was doing so well; I didnt really have time. I stay busy. I didnt really have time to concentrate on making an album. But all this quarantine stuff? Shit, you cant do nothing but record and just kinda brush up on your craft a little bit. I took advantage of this time to finally get an album done. Im almost finished. Its called The Redprint. Later in the discussion, Mack was asked about what it will take to facilitate a Westside Connection reunion. The veteran MC noted hes more than willing to reconnect with Ice Cubeand WC for another LP but put the onus on Cube to make it happen. Thats the question of the year, bro! he stated. I dont know, man. People asked me that and I really dont know what itll take. Im down, Im sure Dub is down. Somebody probably gotta ask Cube what itll take because I really dont know. Read more

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