Mac Miller's 'Jet Fuel' Beat Was Made For Kendrick Lamar 'DAMN.' #KendrickLamar

hiphopdx July 13, 2022 Kendrick Lamar 28
Mac Miller's 'Jet Fuel' Beat Was Made For Kendrick Lamar 'DAMN.' #KendrickLamar

Steve Lacy reveals Mac Miller's 'Jet Fuel' beat was originally made during a studio session with DJ Dahi for Kendrick Lamar's 'DAMN.' album.

Vulture the beat was originally made during a studio session for Kendrick LamarsDAMN. alongside DJ Dahi. That beat actually came from a Kendrick Lamar session, he revealed. Dahi and I, when we were working on DAMN., the first day I came through to work on that record, we just made beats. Hes so organized. He has all these different drum loops. He had that loop, and I did that groove, but Dot didnt use it. Dahi just collects stuff. I guess Malcolm was working on his record and he liked the beat that became Jet Fuel.' Despite the Jet Fuel beat not making it on to DAMN., Lacy still landed a credit on Kendricks Pulitzer Prize-winning album by co-producing PRIDE. Elsewhere in the interview, Steve Lacy talked about his relationship with Mac Miller who tragically passed away due to an accidental drug overdosein September 2018 and how supportive he was of his music when he was still in school. I wasnt around , he said. I think when they were on that tour, it was kind of when I first started to come around. Mac was one of the first big people to fuck with me. He was just a rad spirit, bro. We spent a lot of time together. He wanted to make music, and he liked some of my first ideas. I was like, Damn, thats crazy!' Read more

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