Ludacris Promises 'Karma's World' On Netflix Is Educational

hiphopdx November 03, 2021 Ludacris 48
Ludacris Promises 'Karma's World' On Netflix Is Educational

Ludacris launched his first animated program on Netflix titled 'Karma's World' last month and the ATL legend is excited for his fans to watch it.

Ludacris has been busy at work getting his Netflixanimated show Karmas World off the ground. After a long process the show premiered on October 15 on Netflix, and Ludacris couldnt have been more happier to see the it air. During an interview with Billboardposted on Tuesday (November 2), Luda revealed his true feelings regarding his new show, Karmas World. The animated series is inspired by the rapper/actors oldest daughter Karma Bridges, and her expansive imagination as a child. The topics discussed on the show include issues with identity, confidence, female empowerment, diversity and inclusion. I want it to be a staple in young peoples lives, and even some adults, Ludacris said, who is also an executive producer on the show. Parents may love the show more than the kids. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Ludacris (@ludacris) The show ran into several production delays but it wasnt enough to stop Ludas vision of seeing this show get off the ground. The show is currently in the Top 10 on Netflix in 42 different countries. According to Ludacris, the time spent maneuvering through the troubles will make the show worthwhile. Hes also hoping that children will pick up on the ways Karma handles her issues. Theres longevity in something that takes long because we got it right, he said. Sometimes, the longer something it takes to bring to fruition, the longer it lasts in the world. He continued, When theres a dilemma, she writes in her journal and expresses herself through music. Its encouraging kids to write their feelings down, especially at a time where theres so much pressure not only with social media but the world that we live in. Kids are dealing with a lot of different things, so theres always a teachable moment. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Ludacris (@ludacris) Im going to change young peoples lives for the better. Im confident about that because I know how much this show will let them know they are not alone in their thoughts, and will teach them different morals and ethics. Read more

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