Ludacris Denied Katt Williams’ Illuminati Claims In A Freestyle Suggesting The Comedian May Be On Drugs #Ludacris

uproxx January 05, 2024 Ludacris 27
Ludacris Denied Katt Williams’ Illuminati Claims In A Freestyle Suggesting The Comedian May Be On Drugs #Ludacris

Getty Image Williams said Ludacris got a specific role over him after 'an Illuminati meeting.'

Despite the internet being my primary source of income, I’m rapidly coming to the conclusion that the whole endeavor was a mistake and we should shut it all down for a while. The latest straw on the camel’s extremely stressed back is the fact that we are once again , the supposed secret society allegedly running the world from behind the scenes. That this is thanks to comedian , whose last truly notable stand-up special was in 2008 (yeah, I said it) makes the whole thing doubly maddening. Yet, here we are, with rapping his response to Katt Williams’ recent viral interview claims. During an appearance on Shannon Sharpe’s podcast (which, should we just start calling them “talk shows” again?), Williams leveled accusations at entertainment industry peers ranging from plausible (that stole his jokes) to outright laughable. One of the latter claims was that Katt and Ludacris were both up for roles in the 2001 sequel — the one with the “ejecto seato, cuz” — but that Luda got the role because he was “in the Illuminati” and cut his then-signature sideburns. Here’s the clip: Katt Williams tells Shannon Sharpe that he turned down an offer from the Illuminati, but rapper and actor Ludacris accepted it. He also speaks on Kevin Hart wearing a dress as a humiliation ritual. Both Ludacris and Kevin Hart have been featured in multiple films making them… — Shadow of Ezra (@ShadowofEzra) Completely aside from the fact that this flies in the face of established history — Luda didn’t cut his hair until 2006, five years AFTER hit the box office — you’d think if Katt wanted to disassociate himself from the supposed Illuminati member, he wouldn’t have appeared on Luda’s 2004 album You can fool the Zoomers, Katt. I was there. I remember. Also, not for nothing, the franchise basically died after that, with only a surprise Vin Diesel cameo in saving future installments from the bargain DVD bin, and even then, Luda didn’t come back until the fifth installment, a decade later. I don’t know, just seems like “the Illuminati” could manage a better turnaround. (P.S. Luda’s got an afro again.) Anyway, Ludacris himself decided to address the nonsense (sigh) with a freestyle. While he doesn’t mention Katt by name, it’s pretty obvious who he’s talking about when he says, “Addiction’s on the rise, comedians check your temperature.” Yikes. I guess we’ll pray for you, Katt. — Ludacris (@Ludacris) Read more

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