Lil Pump + Kodak Black Are Low-Key Up To Something

sohh May 07, 2021 Kodak Black 120
Lil Pump + Kodak Black Are Low-Key Up To Something

Florida rappers Lil Pump and Kodak Black look like they're putting on for their city. The hip-hop pair have linked up and teased the world about possibly having

Lil Pump + Kodak Black are up to something. Lil Pump Forgets Dissing Eminem During a recent The Fat Joe Show interview on Instagram Live, Lil Pump blanked out when asked aboutdissing rap god Eminem. Despite Fat Joe continuing to reference the jabs, Pump swayed away from the topic. Who?, Pump said in response to being questioned about dissing Eminem. I dont remember that. Who? Back in December 2020, Pump made dicey comments bashing Em. In the now-infamous footage, he is shown calling Eminem lame as hell and old. F*** Eminem, you is lame as hell, aint nobody listening to your old a**. You lame as f***, b****! I woke up on bulls*** today, Im back on my f*** s***. Lil Pump Lil Pump Disrespects Juice WRLD On New Song In January 2021, Pump took to his Instagram Storywith a sneak peek of some new music. Notably, LP seemed to namedrop late rap star Juice WRLD in a slightly disrespectful way, taking aim at Juices fatal overdose in a Chicago airport, along with the 70 pounds of marijuana that were discovered on his private jet at the time. Mama told me dont go to school on a Percocet/LikeJuice WRLD, 70 pounds on a private jet -Lil Pump Lil Pump Banned From JetBlue At the end of 2020, Pump made headlines when he refusedto wear a mask aboard a JetBlue flight. This violated the companys coronavirus safety precaution rules and caused him to be banned from future flights. The captain of the flight spoke on the matter following the decision. correspondence from the flight deck that day in which the captain was detailing exactly what LP was doing and what needed to happen when they arrived. At first, he says Pump was simply noncompliant with their mask policy, but later said he was sneezing and coughing into a blanket sans mask (perhaps on purpose) and that more than just a supervisor needed to meet them, as Pump had to be dealt with firmly. The last correspondence sent says Pump finally obliged and put on his mask but the dude wasnt finished with JetBlue at that point he later took to social media to cuss em out. ( Read more

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